Joe never hid documents in his bedroom from feds lol
Comment on New filings reveal FBI authorized use of DEADLY FORCE when they raided Mar-a-Lago 9 months ago
But hey, those records Joe never had the authority for were sitting in his Vette.
Ffs the hypocrisy and lies. 9 months ago 9 months ago
Yeah, just in his garage. Totally different! 9 months ago
Yeah if you want to get into the detail the circumstances were completely different, but I’m not interested in defending Joe’s actions. I’m simply stating they weren’t as shitty as Trump’s.
At the very least Biden owned up to what he had, complied with the investigations and didn’t whine about it publicly when they were discovered. Also in the case of most of them, they notified the government they had them. With Trump, the FBI had to raid his ass to get them back. 🤣 9 months ago
This exonerates trump how? 9 months ago
Rules for thee, not for me.
It’s actually amazing how you people will hear something and immediately steal it so you play the victim card all while screeching about how unfairly you’re being treated while simultaneously being given extra special treatment as to avoid any drama coming from you neanderthals. 9 months ago
“Frame Trunp” lol
It’s hard not to feel like most of his fanboys knew nothing about him before he ran for president. He’s a lifelong conman and proud of it. Did no one read his book? I did in the 90s and could tell this dude is the Steven Seagal of business.
Why defend this guy? There are plenty of conservative politicians who aren’t total pieces of shit with awful track records. It’s surreal that you elected a reality TV star to the highest office in the country and now you want to do it again. 9 months ago
Well except Seagal does know Aikido. 9 months ago
Trump technically knows how to “make” money 9 months ago
He turned a 1 million dollar loan into a 100 mllion. Thats making money. 9 months ago
@glimse @BearOfaTime Let's not pretend that the #MSM would villainize any conservative republican who won the #GOP nomination. If #MarcoRubio, #RandPaul, #BenCarson, heck anyone other than #JohnKasich or #JebBush would have won, you'd be saying the exact same thing today about that person.
Not to say that #Trump is 100% innocent BTW, if #JoeBiden should be prosecuted for illegally having classified documents, so should #Trump. It goes both ways. 9 months ago
First off, what’s up with all the hashtags? Your comment looks ridiculous and it’s harder to read with links every other word.
Second, MSM would not be villainizing other candidates to this degree because Trump IS a villain. He’s the poster child for scummy businessmen…a caricature, really. I would not be saying the same things because I’ve been well aware of what a selfish asshole Trump is for 20 years…and he’s only gotten worse. Did you even read Art of the Deal? He’s an embarrassment to the country beyond his status as a disgraced politician.
You’re also forgetting that Biden handed those documents over willingly and without delay whereas Trump claimed he didn’t have them and then, when pressured, admitted he did have them but claimed he was allowed to. This isn’t even getting into the likelyhood that he was selling said documents to foreign actors. Now there’s mounting evidence that he tried to cover it all up. That’s your man? That’s who you think should run the country? 9 months ago
Dude hashtags things because it gets copied to their mastodon and elevates their comments while failing to provide context for anyone following them on that platform.
Basically it’s an attempt to spread their mastodon posts, but only their side of the conversation so they look smart. 9 months ago
Im fine with letting them both burn. Maybe wed get a functional president next.