Personally, that’d be nightmarish. But to each their own infinitesimal bliss,I guess.
Comment on Wormholes 9 months ago
I see nothing wrong in an infinite amount of poodles. 9 months ago
Comment on Wormholes 9 months ago
I see nothing wrong in an infinite amount of poodles.
Personally, that’d be nightmarish. But to each their own infinitesimal bliss,I guess. 9 months ago
Poodles are easily some of the worst dogs to care for and they’re known for being aggressive. 9 months ago
Do you have any evidence to back up that claim?
I might be biased but I have a poodle and he is absolutely the best, and not aggressive at all, in fact he’s more or less bemused when other dogs feel the need to bark at him. 9 months ago
Dogs that attract shitty owners all “tend to be aggressive.”