Comment on Chicken vs Egg 9 months agoIt was Amy’s egg that Brenda inherited, so now it’s Brenda’s egg. So the OG egg was Amy’s.
Comment on Chicken vs Egg 9 months agoIt was Amy’s egg that Brenda inherited, so now it’s Brenda’s egg. So the OG egg was Amy’s. 9 months ago
So, it doesn’t become a Chicken’s egg until Brenda has come into existence. Brenda being the chicken. 9 months ago
Right and wrong. It was a chicken’s egg when Amy laid it, but it was a chicken egg when Brenda was hatched. So yes, the chicken has to exist for the first chicken’s egg, but the first chicken hatched from a chicken egg, that was not a chicken’s egg.
To clarify, I’m assuming that in this case Amy was the first evolution of the chicken, therefore she laid the first chicken’s egg that was the second chicken egg, bevause her parents weren’t chickens, so what was laid wasn’t a chicken’s egg until Amy hatched. Schrodinger’s egg if you will. 9 months ago
Amy is a proto-chicken. Her offspring, Brenda, is the first creature containing the mutation that distinguishes chickens from proto-chickens. Brenda is the first chicken.
Amy’s egg couldn’t be a chicken egg because there was no such thing as a chicken when she laid it. There would be no such thing as a chicken until Brenda existed, at which time the egg that would become Brenda also became a chicken egg.
The chicken egg could not have come first. The first chicken egg was laid by something that was not quite a chicken, but it didn’t become a chicken egg until it had developed into a chicken. 9 months ago
You established right away in your first post that Amy is a chicken. That means she came from a chicken egg, but it wasn’t a chicken’s egg until Amy was a chicken. Until the hatch it was her parent’s egg, whatever species they may have been.
I think we’re saying the same thing, but in my version, Amy was the first chicken hatched from non chicken parents, and laid the first chicken’s egg, birthing Brenda.
In the end, chicken came first, which in turn made the egg, a chicken egg, and coincidentally that chicken’s egg.