Comment on Girl power 9 months agoYes, it is. It’s a grammatical construct. When someone said “alle Schüler” in the year 2000, they meant all students regardless of their genders. If some meant explicitly male students they’d said “alle männlichen Schüler” for clarity. 9 months ago
Nope, seeing men as the default and considering everyone else as a secondary option is already a discrimination of the latter. I know that “alle Schüler” is referring to everyone in class, but it is not gender neutral. It assumes male students if not specified otherwise. 9 months ago
Obviously partriarchies exist and they probably originated in the grammatical masculine as the default.
But I doubt that patriarchal power or even violence is a systemic issue in Germany today and I think addressing it via centrally trying to change the language is laughable.
Let’s take Turkey for example: Turkish is gender neutral, there is no grammatical gender. How did that help equal rights? 9 months ago
OK, keep living in your fantasy…