Alls I can say is you’re listening to the wrong kind of music is you think all current music is vapid.
I’ve already mentioned Kendrick, who won a Pulitzer Prize I might add. There are plenty of people with conscientious lyrics. Dave would be an example from the UK, his bl@ckbox freestyle is spitting straight fire and he was a damn kid man. I dare you to go and listen to his We’re all alone in this together and tell me it’s not got substance.
I don’t want to seem like I’m being aggy here, but perhaps you could take my approach to seeking out this kind of stuff as there is more than just industry knocking out clones. Sure there are plants and stuff but there are real artists out here still.
It’s honestly quite arrogant to think great artists stopped at our generation my guy. 9 months ago
And all I can say is that your reading comprehension is lacking if you attribute me saying that all music is valid. I said “mostly”.
And I had said so, I would agree. I, however, didn’t.
In any case, if music is your main focus, you could have used more prominence in the question, because your formulation seemed to indicate that there were other things you wanted to “keep up with” too. If I had understood that music was your primary focus, I would have abstained from participating. Which I will start doing right now. 9 months ago
No problem.
Take care.