Comment on My favorite photo from my vacation! 9 months ago
Why are there a bunch of cruise ships beached on the sand?
Comment on My favorite photo from my vacation! 9 months ago
Why are there a bunch of cruise ships beached on the sand? 9 months ago
Well they can’t be beached on the water now can they? 9 months ago
Beached - hauled up or stranded on a beach.
Beach - a strip of land covered with sand, pebbles, or small stones at the edge of a body of water, especially by the ocean between high- and low-water marks.
Dangit, you're right, try as I might I'm having a hard time twisting those definitions to anything other than the colloquially accepted meaning. 9 months ago
Ships can absolutely be beached without being up on shore though. So in the water.
Because they are super heavy and can thus run aground further out than a small boat might. They are beached, meaning they are stuck in sand of a beach, but they aren’t on the beach, and are wholly within the water. Because that definition had “especially” and not “only”, thus it can go out further than what we would traditionally label as a beach between high and low tide.