because man probably won’t eat you.
that’s why I dumped my last boyfriend
Comment on The second matchup of the tournament 10 months ago
I picked man over bear because man probably won’t eat you. But if gorilla is a choice, that wins. Gorilla is friend as long as you keep your head low and he knows he’s the boss. Also don’t suprise him.
because man probably won’t eat you.
that’s why I dumped my last boyfriend
he ate you? Damn, that’s rough.
No, no, because he didn’t eat out.
sometimes blatantly misinterpreting statements is funny
it’s only rough when I don’t shave my hairy taco.
in that case i should probably correct rough to tough, since we’re talking about cannibalism here.
cancels surprise birthday party for Koko Jr
Oh shii… is torn limb from limb as your noisemaker and party hat digress from Koko Jr’s expectations
To be clear, I’m not trying to get into a man v bear debate here. But, like, a man could still kill you, right? Is that better than being eaten? I mean, I guess it’s probably less likely. I’m no expert on bears or random forest men.
Im betting on the fact that humans have baked in altruism. We want to help each other. As a kid I got stuck in the forrest with my dirt bike and a gnarly looking guy helped me get home with his truck. It was a scary experience and it was a risk. I think most people are basically good. Men just have the strength to act on it when they are bad people.
you’ve never been a woman, have you?
No I haven’t. But I have been sexually assaulted. I know from first hand experience how awful men can be. And I’d still pick a strange man over a bear to be stuck in the woods with. You can’t reason with a bear. You cant plead for your life. It will pin you to the ground and eat you alive ass-first. I’d rather be raped and shot or strangled if it came to that. But you do you.
But, like, a man could still kill you, right? Is that better than being eaten?
I mean generally being eaten entails entrails leaking out, whereas getting killed could entail any number of things. Neck snap, choked out, slit throat, whatever. I dunno if your average idiot man is gonna be as proficient of a killer as a bear, even if they happen to be a murderer or like, just evil, right, so, I dunno. Kind of a toss up. Me personally, I would rather not have my guts spilled out, ribcage crushed, spine snapped, bones gnawed on while I’m still conscious, slowly lose blood and lose consciousness over the course of 30 minutes to an hour. I mean I guess theoretically a man could do those things too, but I dunno many men that could. Maybe like, the mike tyson of 40 years ago?
I guess the argument I’m making hinges on the idea that humans are generally bad at killing in a physiological sense, and their need to kind of, up themselves in the game means that they tend to get filtered into a bunch of more painless and efficient approaches relative to the kind of uncaring cruelty of nature more generally. But then I dunno, humans also have a capacity for needless cruelty and torture, so I’d also be betting my chances that I don’t get shafted and stuck with like, a super jacked serial killer that can torture me with their bare hands, which there’s probably only like 2 or 3 of in the world. Maybe more if you include government contracted ones. 10 months ago
The bear also isn’t going to rape you and I would say the chances of the bear eating you and the man eating you are the same. 10 months ago
You forgot to change accounts before posting again 🐻 10 months ago
Bear detected 10 months ago
Just make sure you have marshmallows