Say you have German and Scottish ancestry. Omitting that part makes it sound like you’re saying you’re culturally German and Scottish.
Comment on Will I ever be seen as truly British? 9 months agoThat well meaning curiosity is the America I know.
I was born in North Carolina, I speak with a textbook Piedmont white guy drawl. I’m as American as high fructose corn syrup, no question. Here’s some hell I’ve caught: Europeans struggle to cope when I describe myself as “German and a little Scottish.” To me, that’s my ethnic background, to a lot of Europeans I’ve argued with, it’s stolen valor. “You’re not personally from Germany, you aren’t German.” Then explain my genome. Or my surname.
I think us who live in the New World have a whole different understanding of diaspora. 9 months ago 9 months ago
I knew they’d come out of the woodwork to make my point for me. 9 months ago
I mean, if they’re being an asshole about it there’s no excuse - it’s just imprecise wording that may cause confusion. 9 months ago
Well, imagine you meet a guy travelling through the US. He's wearing lederhosen, has a freaking feather in his hat, and speaks with a heavy German accent. You ask where he's from, and he says he's American/Italian, as his maternal grandfather was born in the US and his grandmother on his father's side is Italian. However, this is his first time outside of Germany, and he speaks no Italian and hardly any English.
This is what Americans tend to look like to Europeans. 9 months ago
See what I mean? And I bet Herr Wernher von Bianchi would have way more interesting stories to tell than most genuine Germans.
Reminds me of Japanese drivers licenses, which don’t have a field for eye or hair color the way Western ones do. Not pertinent information in Japan where virtually everyone has black hair and brown eyes, it’s like having a field for tongue color. The answer for everyone is “What? Reddish pink I guess? Why?”
Now imagine you’re making a form for people to fill out about their background and personal history. Europeans apparently cannot imagine needing more than one line to answer the question “Where are you from?” because of how short and boring their own answers always are.