But it is. Troy is in Turkey, and ancient Trojans were Hittites, an Anatolian people. They were gone as a culture by the time the Turks arrived, but the region has more recent history as Turkish and Anatolian than anything else, so I don’t think any other culture can really claim it other than Turkey. The famous “Trojan War” likely never happened, so the affiliation of Greek military with Troy makes no sense.
So yes, I think Trojan should mean “Turk” because it’s currently in Turkey and no other culture has a reasonable claim to it. They may not have been Turks at the time, but Turks claim it now.
“No other culture can claim it” well Turkey sure as shit can claim it ad they wouldn’t come anywhere near Anatolia until about two thousand years after Troy was destroyed and forgotten. Trojan culture simply doesn’t exist anymore, whatever it was.
sugar_in_your_tea@sh.itjust.works 9 months ago
Eagles rock.
We were the Trojans, which is a fancy way of saying Turks from a specific region.
JamesStallion@sh.itjust.works 9 months ago
You keep saying that, but it is very much not true.
sugar_in_your_tea@sh.itjust.works 9 months ago
But it is. Troy is in Turkey, and ancient Trojans were Hittites, an Anatolian people. They were gone as a culture by the time the Turks arrived, but the region has more recent history as Turkish and Anatolian than anything else, so I don’t think any other culture can really claim it other than Turkey. The famous “Trojan War” likely never happened, so the affiliation of Greek military with Troy makes no sense.
So yes, I think Trojan should mean “Turk” because it’s currently in Turkey and no other culture has a reasonable claim to it. They may not have been Turks at the time, but Turks claim it now.
JamesStallion@sh.itjust.works 9 months ago
“No other culture can claim it” well Turkey sure as shit can claim it ad they wouldn’t come anywhere near Anatolia until about two thousand years after Troy was destroyed and forgotten. Trojan culture simply doesn’t exist anymore, whatever it was.