The good old but he did that so he must be held responsible for this argument. I hope that one day you’ll be caught in a similar situation but without the cam footage to save you.
Comment on Dashcam footage clears man of felony charge after showing constable injuring himself 9 months ago
Y’all should really watch before commenting on this one. The video that driver certainly not following traffic law on this one. Speeding illegally through an intersection lmao. 9 months ago 9 months ago
Then the driver should have been charged with those offences. Also I have no idea how YOU know he was breaking any traffic laws from that video. The officer onsite indicates the lights are not to be trusted, and “speeding”, I’d love to see how you went about determining that from this video…
The cop played a stupid game and won a stupid prize. In a just world once he heals up he would go to jail for the same crime/time as he falsely accused the driver of. Oh well.