Comment on this picture is 27kb 9 months agoSounds shockingly accurate for most European domestic cars
Comment on this picture is 27kb 9 months agoSounds shockingly accurate for most European domestic cars 9 months ago
I fairly often drive 50,000m/h, except on the autobahn. There I usually go about 120,000,000mm/h.
And if I stack 1000 1cm³ blocks of water, the resulting 10m high column exerts 100kPa of pressure on its base. And to heat it by 1°C requires 1kcal, while 1N would accelerate it by 1m/s every second.
What I wanr to say is: Your point is stupid and your units are too. 9 months ago 9 months ago
anyone who doesn’t is already dead inside 9 months ago
And this is all broken up into decihour days, no? With each hour being made up of 100 centiminutes? 9 months ago
right 9 months ago
Can you spot why years, months, days, hours and minutes are not SI units?
This is an honest question. The SI units were chosen very carefully with regard to their human usability and scientific universality. 9 months ago
To be clear, most science/advanced education in the US is conducted in SI units. 9 months ago
Using this, you can tell the time.on your Swatch .beat.
No i’m not joking.