Comment on Astounding absurdity 9 months ago
I mean, yeah. All of this. Absurd.
But, FWIW, offloading cheap tat onto charity shops is not going to work well. It costs them money to put it on a shelf and it probably takes up more space than it is worth. Plus, they very likely can’t sell electrical equipment that has had its cord chopped up and repaired, or at least not without spending more on having it tested than they could sell it for anyway.
Next time, find a friend with small feet who would like to take it off your hands. 9 months ago
I did it proper. You couldn’t tell the cord had been replaced. For the rest, yeah I know what you mean. That doesn’t mean it’s not crazy that the Red Cross should refuse free shit. My Dad lived through the war and the food restrictions, and let me tell you, he would have been outraged.
The funny thing is, I’m a clear foot taller than my wife, but my own feet have been shortened surgically a few years ago and are now shorter than hers, and I fit inside the machine just fine. But I didn’t want the machine because I hate foot massages 🙂 9 months ago
Wait I’m curious about the foot shortening thing. How and why? 9 months ago
With a scalpel and a bone saw - at least that’s what the surgeon said - and because sometimes people are born with issues that need fixing later in life. 9 months ago
Ok now the post is coming alive