Comment on Experiments 7 months ago
Did they really look like this or were there big fat blubbery bits that didn’t survive fossilisation
Comment on Experiments 7 months ago
Did they really look like this or were there big fat blubbery bits that didn’t survive fossilisation 7 months ago
Unlikely for there to be bubbly bits. These are bugs, so we know their shape because their exoskeleton (which is what fossilizes) is their shape. Fish haven’t evolved yet 7 months ago
These seem to be illustrations of Burgess Shale organisms, Burgess Shale being renowned for the excellent preservation of soft tissues in its fossils, so the bubbly bits were actually quite well preserved, if maybe a bit squished and deflated. 7 months ago
Thanks. I looked it up.
You saying these are bugs tickles my funny bone imagining a metre long anomalcaris scuttling out from under the fridge, like a scene from a Cronenberg movie.