Bbbeeee aaaafffffrrrraaaiiiiiddddddddddddd!1!!1!!!1!!!1!!1!!!1!!!
C’mon. Chernobyl was like a drunk driver bypassing the blow device, and now you want to ban all cars everywhere for everyone.
Comment on rollin' coal 9 months ago
You still can’t safely eat mushrooms in parts of Germany that got contaminated by Chernobyl.
Bbbeeee aaaafffffrrrraaaiiiiiddddddddddddd!1!!1!!!1!!!1!!1!!!1!!!
C’mon. Chernobyl was like a drunk driver bypassing the blow device, and now you want to ban all cars everywhere for everyone.
When I misuse a coal plant, it breaks down and potentially pollutes the vicinity. When I misuse a photovoltaic plant, it might get damaged. If I misuse a nuclear plant, an area becomes uninhabitable for centuries.
But accidents are not the main concern, when there are currently nuclear power plants being held hostage in an ongoing war
See you’re treating all nuclear plants and operation of those plants as the same. It’s not. Just like car designs are not the same as they were in 1950, nuclear plant designs are not the same now as they were in the 1950s.
You know Chernobyl was because they threw the operating procedure out the window right? But you want to act as if that’s just the normal operating procedure. And that it could just happen just because, just from normal operating or something. It’s insane.
So you think the US nuclear plants will be taken hostage? You’re on your fear campaign again. Beee aaafffrraaaaiiiiddd.
I mean, can you tell for sure that there will not be any war in France or Germany in the next 70 years? I don’t think it’s likely, and I’m clearly of the opinions that we should apply whatever carbon reduction that is most carbon effective, nuclear included, given the current climate emergency, but considering a nuclear power plant could be targeted by an army or terror group is not that far-fetched.
Coal plants kill more when they work properly than nuclear plants do when they break. Every coal plant is worse than Chernobyl or Fukushima.
Yet even accounting for all of that, including Chernobyl and Fukushima, nuclear is still 1000x safer than coal and as safe as wind and solar.
That’s fine, I don’t like mushrooms anyways 9 months ago
And there are millions of people who’s homes have been irrevocably changed for the worse by a warming planet. Even those further north are being impacted as they experience floods in some places, droughts in others, and more extreme weather in general.
I don’t give a shit about the mushrooms. 9 months ago
It’s not a binary choice between coal (and other fossil fuels) and nuclear. Both are bad for the environment, and we should be looking to renewables instead. I fully agree that the climate crisis is the more pressing issue. I’m personally involved in climate activism. But this post is specifically about radioactivity, not overall impact 9 months ago
Germany is actively closing nuclear plants, one of the safest and cleanest energy sources, and replacing them with coal, the most dangerous and dirty one. 9 months ago
This is not what’s happening. Germany is shutting down both coal and nuclear. Due to the incompetent CDU (the conservatives are ruining everything once again) there was a lot of back and forth on nuclear, and their lobbyist friends delayed the exit from coal. But there finally is a plan to shut down all coal, but build more, and all nuclear plants are shut down and in the process of being dismantled, and turning them back on would not accelerate the shutting down of coal. Building nuclear is a slow and expensive process. Could this have been handled better 20 or even 50 years ago? Absolutely. But in the situation we’re currently in, nuclear is not the solution. 9 months ago
That’s not what…/ein-jahr-kernkraftausstie… is saying. Lignite (“Braunkohle”) -29TWh, hard coal (“Steinkohle”) -26TWh. A big factor of dealing with the evolved situation are much fewer energy exports (-23TWh).