I’ve never understood the love people have for them.
The sci fi space opera RPG well is running dry and has been for decades last I checked. Though I'd love some recomendations.
Comment on Let's discuss: Mass Effect
rwhitisissle@beehaw.org 9 months ago
I consider myself a truly gigantic science fiction fan. I’ve read a ton of science fiction novels, both old and new. I enjoy Star Trek. Love Star Wars. I like a lot of science-fiction themed video games, like Zone of the Enders, the original Bioshock, Borderlands, Prey (both the original and remake), Halo, Metroid, Half-Life, Fallout, etc.
I utterly loathe Mass Effect. I consider it one of the worst pieces of science-fiction ever created. I consider the overly sleek aesthetic of everything, from the ships, to the weapons, to the armor hideous. I consider the characters underwritten. The political entity that runs the galaxy is an uninteresting and derivative bureaucracy. The conflict between the various member races and their respective histories are far more interesting than the looming conflicts of the giant undead space robots looking to destroy the galaxy. And as a game, the gameplay is repetitive and uninteresting. Many of the enemies eventually just become damage soaks. The weapons and abilities are generally unforgettable. I don’t think I’ve ever had less mentally impactful combat in a game before (as a note, I consider this a general issue with third-person shooters). And the inventory management in the first game was painfully terrible. I remember getting to the end of the game and having to spend an hour to manage my fucking inventory right before the last fight because I literally ran out of space and at a certain point all the crap you’ve collected just becomes worthless and pointless to have.
I played the first two games. I hated the first one when it came out and still hated it when I revisited it years later. The second I also really disliked because of the bifurcated Paragon and Renegade oppositional morality system that seemed really popular with that era of RPGs. And I didn’t even bother with the third. The games are just dull and frustrating, and I’ve never understood the love people have for them.
I’ve never understood the love people have for them.
The sci fi space opera RPG well is running dry and has been for decades last I checked. Though I'd love some recomendations.
In terms of AAA video games, I can’t help you. I really like Becky Chambers novels, though. Lots of people talking about their feelings in a space opera setting. Big emphasis on character development. These are things I enjoy. The ball numbing action violence of your typical mass-media space opera stuff? Much less so.
I’m in this mind set.
I really didn’t get it when I visited a planet, then the next…then the next and they (collection missions??? absolutely forgettable) seemed very monotonous.
I did like the robots/bad guys who spoke in a blur of noise, and thought the way the wepons worked (using the “mass effect”) was interesting…but…that was about it.
literally everything else was forgettable and…meh… which is a shame for me because I really wanted to like it.
zaphod@lemmy.ca 9 months ago
Funny, I feel the same way about Fallout and The Witcher. Just… don’t get the appeal. As always, to each their own. Hence why I generally try avoiding yucking other people’s yums.
rwhitisissle@beehaw.org 9 months ago
If anyone enjoys the game, that’s great. Nothing I say should take away someone else’s fun, but from my perspective, if you let another person’s negative perception of something you enjoy diminish your enjoyment of that thing, the only one who has “yucked your yum” is yourself.
zaphod@lemmy.ca 9 months ago
Ahh yes, the old “sticks and stones” defense that completely ignores human nature and basic decency.
rwhitisissle@beehaw.org 9 months ago
Fascinating. Thank you for sharing.
knokelmaat@beehaw.org 9 months ago
I think they are in their right to give their opinion on something no? Telling someone that their kid is ugly is such a wrong comparison to make. You’re directly offending them as it is their child, plus talking about something that neither parent nor child can do anything about (their looks).
I love talking to people who despise stuff I adore, this can give very interesting conversations. It also broadens my perspective on things. I love Mass Effect and still found the original comment very interesting.
You’re not saying the other person is wrong to love it, you’re just saying that you yourself hate it. I think this is an important distinction to make? Especially on a discussion thread, it would be rather boring to only hear the same voice?
Please correct me if I’m wrong, we’re all learning.