Comment on How did you get your job? Any advice? ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I’m seconding what the other commenter had to say. Tech is a bit hard to get a job in right now, but it hasn’t been that way for 3 years. At this point it’s time to look in the mirror and see what’s going on with you to make you seem unappealing. You could also just have a very bad resume, so work with someone you know who is doing better and have them review your resume and even do a mock interview. There is no magic bullet for this, you gotta figure out why people keep passing on you. If you’re not even getting interviews, then it’s your resume. If you are, it might be your personality or interview skills. I can’t really say without knowing you.

And good luck! I think you’ll find something if you figure out whatever the road block is.
