Knowledge isn’t bad, and I’m aware of where I’m knowledgeable and where my limits are. I tend to be quite a bit more knowledgeable about philosophy than the average person, most people don’t introspect or read about where truth comes from. They often don’t even know or understand what an axiom is, even though they’re foundational to how we live.
If that’s all too much for you, you can literally just disregard my latter two paragraphs before you went into your defensive panic. I don’t (usually) need to get into the idea of normative truths to justify veganism, because ironically we live in a country of “animal lovers”, many of whom would happily literally kill dog abusers. I’ve unironically met non-vegans that advocate for the fucking death penalty for people who abuse dogs.
That amount of dissonance, to advocate for actual death for humans who abuse animals, while themselves literally paying for animal abuse, is sufficient to dismantle people’s entire preconception of animal rights and worth. If we happened to live in a society without massive hypocrites, where people consistently held that abusing and torturing all “lesser” animals was okay, I’d have to get into more nuanced discussion about the nature of truth to help people get to veganism. 10 months ago
A small sidenote too about your advice, I appreciate you trying to help, but I’m actually happy with how many people I’ve converted and continue to convert to veganism. I’d even bet good money that I’ve converted more people to veganism than you.
If you find a tactic that converts more than a few dozen people per year, let me know, but I’d be out of the two of us I have more actual real world experience converting people to veganism, given I’m the vegan activist, and maybe you should consider the possibility that a vegan activist might know more about vegan activism than a non-vegan.
At least consider it as a possibility, my friend. 10 months ago
Zero interest in converting anyone to vegan. I don't care what anyone eats, it is their choice. Only interested in reducing waste and the population. Work towards an achievable goal. I will never be vegan due to my health issues, as you have conveniently glossed over. It doesn't work for everyone, it's in the same vain as telling everyone the need to eat peanuts. 10 months ago
The really cool thing about actually every person I’ve met or heard of online, in person, etc. is anytime they’re not vegan due to a health issue, they can’t actually say what that health issue is.
People are genuinely more open about any other aspect of their health or mental state. People more readily open up about their schizophrenia or suicidal-level depression than whatever mysterious health issue “prevents veganism”.
It’s cool too, because there is actually no medical issue that prevents veganism. Every major health association has come out and said a vegan diet is suitable for literally all people at all stages of life. That might seem reductive, until you realize how many different vegan foods there are. You’re likely able to eat beans, lettuce, and rice, and those 3 things alone have sustained poor people for decades. Living in a rich western country makes this vastly easier too.
It’s just funny hearing the broad, fake excuse because so many people use it when it’s totally incoherent by the account of every major medical association.