Someday I hope my life is so free of real problems that the way a guy drinks his coffee is a big enough issue that I complain about it lol
Comment on Very understandable, have a nice day 10 months ago
wtf, dude was just really enjoying his coffee 10 months ago 10 months ago
I kinda get it. Some people are imagining a Nespresso commercial from the 90’s, all cozy and comfy.
I, a person who once share an office with someone who thought air popping popcorn at their desk was a socially acceptable thing to do, can imagine a Sam Kinnison-esque vibe the the “AHHHHs”. 10 months ago
Don’t forget people are different, misiphonia is a thing - something you consider normal might be absolutely infuriating to be around for some people. 10 months ago
I have misiphonia actually lol. I can’t eat at restaurants because the sound of metal cutlery scraping together or scraping on people’s teeth causes me physical pain and makes my own teeth “itch” for lack of a better word. It really sucks but I don’t go around shaming people for eating in a way that’s normal for them either.
So, I definitely get it but mocking people for sighing in contentment over their lil toasty cup of coffee seems criminal to me. It feels like there’s not enough joy in the world right now to be making people feel bad about silly things like that ya know? :/ 10 months ago
I like your POV. Thank you for having it.
I was made aware that my chewing is too loud. I no longer enjoy eating food around people because I’m too self-conscious about the noise. It’s a stupid thing to care about, and I feel stupid for letting it bother me. I wish “live and let live” was easier. 10 months ago