Comment on The free Delta game emulator for iPhones is live on Apple’s App Store 11 months agoBecause it works. I don’t have to figure out what (A01839: Device error has occurred.) means or weird Android nonsense all the time. If I wanted a constant project I already have plenty with work and actual things I enjoy wasting my time on. If it’s my computer I can mess around, if it’s my phone it’s just a pain in the ass. Even Samsungs can get weird like that sometimes, although the lower quality and price Android phones are the worst for it. 11 months ago
This isn’t 2010 with Android Froyo where you need two manager to kill apps. And lower quality? All this comment needs is something about camera quality and we have a bingo. 11 months ago
outdated bullshit** bingo yeah 11 months ago
Yeah lower quality as in the Android phones that cost less than $1000. Because flagship Samsung Galaxy phones generally run more than that. The cheaper Samsung phones also fall into this category.
I had these problems with Android up until 2018 when I got fed up with dealing with each phone having problems that required a time commitment to resolve. Six years later and I have no regrets at all. 11 months ago
Lol, as the others already commented, you clearly have no clue. I have an old Pixel 4 (bought it refurbished for like 300€ 2 years ago) and run a custom rom on it. It just works great, no complaints. Meaning that I never ever had to fiddle around or seen any error codes like you described. I don’t see ads, ever. It is much more privacy respecting, I don’t have any Google/Apple app stores. I can run cracked software on it so I don’t have to pay for premium. I can also have much more control over what apps are allowed to do and what not. And everyone is envious of the pictures it takes, too (I do a lot of macro photography on it). So how is this any worse than an iPhone that constantly spies on you and has a closed ecosystem? 11 months ago
You had to hack your phone to make this happen. I already explained that I don’t want to be bothered having to put time and effort into making my phone work. Maybe it would be fine as a fun little project, but I’m not going to depend on a jailbroken phone as my main phone, even if the risk it fails is rather low.