Comment on A Huge Number of Homeowners Have Mortgage Rates Too Good to Give Up 10 months ago
This is just another example of how the government controlling money causes damage to all of us.
Comment on A Huge Number of Homeowners Have Mortgage Rates Too Good to Give Up 10 months ago
This is just another example of how the government controlling money causes damage to all of us. 10 months ago
How? I don’t get it. 10 months ago
Thank you for asking, as for the above example, the rates that people have on mortages are due to direct government manipulation of the interest rates and the money supply in general. As far as the other things, the big one would be the inflation they cause with harm to the middle class and poor. 10 months ago
Quick question. How often did economic depressions occur before giving the government control over money and moving off the gold standard, and how many have we had since then? 10 months ago
This is one of those unfalsifiable statements that is just used to mislead. I dont know how to answer the question.
Why are you okay with the rich getting richer at the direct expense of the poor and middle class?