This is my experience with call centers as well
Comment on Please hold 11 months ago
Not gonna lie, when I worked help desk this shit wouldn’t have even raised an eyebrow. When my shift started at 5am, we didn’t give a fuck. So long as you answered the calls and helped the client, the shit you had at your desk didn’t matter. 11 months ago 11 months ago
Lucky all of the ones I worked at had a clean desk policy
They wouldn’t even let me have a pen and paper 11 months ago
We were allowed pens, but the paper was a special color and not allowed to leave the room. Data privacy. But as bothersome as this was, as a customer I’d be delighted to know my privacy is taken so seriously. 11 months ago
I was gonna say the same thing. I got to tier two sprint tech support (which is just tier one with a hold time) and I was always making food in my cubicle. I didn’t eat during lunch, I just did laps around the building to work off all the shit I ate while I was on calls.