Yep. Chewing tobacco (go check out Red Man), or chaw, is coarsely chopped. Dip (fucking Skoal wintergreen, I can still smell it just thinking about it) is much more finely chopped. I believe chewing tobacco has fallen out of favor, but I still see a lot of dip rings in people’s pants.
Chaw is usually chewed a little to release some flavor before putting it between your gums and cheek. Dip is just placed directly there. You get flavor and nicotine. Always spit, never swallow.
I’m actually jealous of people who have never had the need to know the difference.
Here in Canada “chew” refers almost exclusively to snuff (which is what you guys call dip. Real snuff is called “sniffing snuff” and is super rare lol)
If you want a real chew it’s just called Red Man or “Red Man style” and it pretty much has to be smuggled from the US. The market is almost entirely dominated here by Copenhagen.
I’ve been away from nicotine for years but on the rare chance that someone offers me a chew of Red Man I’ll go for it. That stuff is pretty good 10 months ago
Yep. Chewing tobacco (go check out Red Man), or chaw, is coarsely chopped. Dip (fucking Skoal wintergreen, I can still smell it just thinking about it) is much more finely chopped. I believe chewing tobacco has fallen out of favor, but I still see a lot of dip rings in people’s pants.
Chaw is usually chewed a little to release some flavor before putting it between your gums and cheek. Dip is just placed directly there. You get flavor and nicotine. Always spit, never swallow.
I’m actually jealous of people who have never had the need to know the difference. 10 months ago
Here in Canada “chew” refers almost exclusively to snuff (which is what you guys call dip. Real snuff is called “sniffing snuff” and is super rare lol)
If you want a real chew it’s just called Red Man or “Red Man style” and it pretty much has to be smuggled from the US. The market is almost entirely dominated here by Copenhagen.
I’ve been away from nicotine for years but on the rare chance that someone offers me a chew of Red Man I’ll go for it. That stuff is pretty good 10 months ago
The biggest difference is that chewing tobacco smells like rasins, but tastes like literal ass. 10 months ago
For some reason I understand and agree with you, as a northron Blueneck! Mystery why!