Comment on Open world games, need recommendations 10 months ago
My somewhat controversial suggestion is outward. Low graphical intensity PC game, very open world, and some incredibly unique and polarizing design choices. If your favorite part of breath of the wild was world exploration and korok finding, you may love it! If you like quality of life features though, maybe not.
Things like, you have a world map but no “you are here” marker so need to place yourself with landmarks. You need to drop your backpack to fight effectively and remember where you dropped it, the magic system is based on insomnia with the longer since you slept the more mana you have until you push it too far and just collapse. Really really weird game that I still think about all the time years later. 10 months ago
What platforms is it on? 10 months ago
It a fairly low intensity PC game 10 months ago
Oh, so only PC releases? 10 months ago
Outward is on consoles as well, though PC is its primary platform.