people fall for this?
Damn, didn’t realize conservatives put that little amount of thought into their political statements.
Literally the best result here is someone goes “yeah, that’s politicians for you, pretending to do something, by displaying something, but actually doing something else” If anything, this is basically commentary on how shitty politics is. More than whatever the fuck anyone else thinks it could possibly be. 10 months ago
Sure, except I’m in California where it is two very different fights. Try reversing any LGBTQ Rights and you’ll get tarred and feathered. Suggest the Homeless shouldn’t be hunted in the streets and you also get tarred and feathered.
It’s like living in reverse land where instead of “fiscal responsibility” and “traditional social values” we have “fiscal responsibility” and “progressive social values”. 10 months ago
That sucks. None of us are free until all of us are free. 10 months ago
Amen to that