Comment on Why do we have to do the health insurance company's job for them? 10 months ago
I tore an achilles tendon last year. Doc wanted me in physical therapy, but PT wouldn’t take me because they needed an MRI showing the position and size of the tear.
PT was very clear. Tendons don’t show up on xrays.
Doctor was very clear. Tendons don’t show up on xrays.
Podiatrist was very clear. Tendons don’t show up on xrays.
Aetna: “You didn’t do an xray first, MRI denied.” 10 months ago
They try to spend less so aggressively that they end up actually spending more 10 months ago
Fought them for a month, meanwhile I’m in pain, limping with a busted tendon.
Finally we just gave in and did the xray, which - surprise! - showed nothing! Then they approved the MRI. 10 months ago
I hope you don’t have any long term consequences of that 10 months ago
Once I got into PT things seemed to go well, it was just a month of suck getting there. 10 months ago
Corporations are all about stepping over dollars to pick up pennies.