Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: Daily Discussion Thread: šŸ Sat 6 April 2024 āØ2ā© āØmonthsā© ago

A beautiful day launching the new kids club at our neighbourhood house. We had almost 40 families join us and all the snags got eaten.

This was the first event I took a back seat on and I initially felt really guilty ā€œleaving everyone else to do all the workā€ (even though my stepping back was planned and carefully negotiated, as Iā€™m still dealing with mystery health issues) but the entire team remarked that it all came together easily as ā€œmany hands make light workā€ and for once we had enough funding to bring on the appropriate number of staff for the project!

The weather held out and I met so many amazing locals, I couldnā€™t have asked for a better day.

And the timing worked out perfectly with the MRI Iā€™d been scheduled for. Packed up after the event jumped on the bus, and got there at the exact right time.

Am I the only one who finds getting an MRI relaxing? Itā€™s an excuse to lie down and be still while zoning out and pretending Iā€™m being faxed somewhere. The technician tried playing me some Muzak over the headphones and laughed when I asked her to stop because it was messing with my ability to enjoy the magnetic dubstep.
