And the top 5 have over a trillion dollars combined. Wealth hoarding is likely one of the worst human traits to have.
Comment on All billionaires under 30 have inherited their wealth, research finds 9 months ago
Someone in another thread said something that resonated in me. Helps show how big a billion is…
One million seconds is a bit more that 11 days, One billion seconds is over 31 YEARS ! 9 months ago 9 months ago
Yeah, this is meaningless though.
Net worths are guessed (you literally can’t perfectly accurately audit total net worth in any practical way) price tags. When it comes to individual assets like stocks, that price tag is dictated by the market (basically, everyone other than the owner) that essentially assert “if you sold this, I’d be willing to pay $X to buy it from you”.
A price tag is not cash. An asset becoming more valuable is not equivalent to the mint printing bills. And owning shares in businesses that are actively involved in the economy is literally the opposite of “hoarding”.
The wealth gap between the very top and the destitute was MUCH smaller 100 years ago. But poverty was MUCH more common then, too. So then why do so many act like that gap widening is at fault for the poverty that still exists? 9 months ago
TIL: Everyone who has been alive less than 1 Billion Seconds and has over 1 Billion Dollars needs to be eaten, and their wealth forcibly distributed. 9 months ago
You didn’t earn a dollar a second, 3600 dollars an hour, starting the second you were born? 9 months ago