Just train random airline passengers on how to properly perform a HALO jump during the pre-flight safety briefing. I’m sure it’s fine.
Comment on Why don't passanger airplanes come with parachutes for people?
user134450@feddit.de 9 months agoen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Piantanida
This guy was in a remote controlled, parachute equipped gondola at 17km altitude wearing a pressurized suite. His suit broke and even though the emergency descent of the gondola was immediately activated to descend safely, he later died from embolism (bubbles forming in the blood because of rapidly decreasing pressure). Passenger jets cruise at about 11km so i gather it would be similar.
setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world 9 months ago
CaptainBlagbird@lemmy.world 9 months ago
Wtf, Felix Baumgartner’s Jump was over 12 years ago in 2012? What wibbly wibbly time fuckery is this?? 😵💫