private fields
Man, javascript is starting to turn into java, isn’t it? They added encapsulation. What else they’re going to add?
Comment on This laptop released in 2016 no longer receive OS updates. Which means I can't update Chrome Browser 11 months agoyupp, and i hate that. i use a firefox version that don’t supports private fields, and because a common js lib uses them a lot of websites suddenly stopped working for me just because of this bs. instead of just using a normal variable they use private fields and kill a ton of older browsers by doing so. and most website owners don’t care so asking them just leads to them saying “just upgrade bro”.
private fields
Man, javascript is starting to turn into java, isn’t it? They added encapsulation. What else they’re going to add? 11 months ago
Why? I feel like a browser is something you’d definitely want to keep up to date for security reasons if given the option.