It never implied the wall was specifically for communists.
Comment on Yes 11 months agoBoth the US and Mexico are capitalist democracies. The meme implies that Capitalists built a wall to keep Communists out.
It’s an awkward meme that doesn’t make much sense. 11 months ago 11 months ago
It doesn’t imply that. It says that (some) capitalist states build walls to keep refugees out (like the US and in a way the EU) while (some) communist states build walls to keep (potential) refugees in (like the GDR) 11 months ago
Agreed. And the (probably unintended) irony is that the Berlin Wall was ostensibly built in order to keep the capitalists out. Be careful what you wish for, especially when it’s a wall. They work both ways. 11 months ago
You don’t really believe the propaganda of the “Antifaschistischer Schutzwall”. The wall was always to keep GDR citizens in.
Nobody ever had the intention to keep capitalists out. 11 months ago
Just highlighting the propaganda for those unfamiliar with it. Seemed à propos.