The reward is worth the sacrifice.
It’s funny how some people treat responsibility. It’s like they are trying to convince me that brushing teeth is “worth sacrifice”. I totally agree and I’ll probably need to bring this topic to therapy.
Take having kids, for example. You have kids, but you have to earn a fortune, you have to change pampers and you have to regulate yourself emotionally not to fuck up their psyche. It’s not that I don’t want to have kids because I don’t value kids over these chores, it’s just I’m afraid if I don’t do these chores, I’ll be responsible for their shitty future.
Brushing teeth is totally worth doing, but if I one day don’t feel like it - it’s not a problem. 10 months ago
Don’t let those other parents fool you, we ALL have don’t feel like it days. You can just take more of them as the kids get older. 10 months ago 10 months ago
You sound like a very responsible individual, TBH