Comment on A Parallel World? 3 years agoFor any of it to work,it needs a manifesto that is not too embarrassing or radical, that is based on sounds ideas like UNDHR, Nuremburg Kodex, Magna Carta, 1689 BoR (a precursor to the US constitution), etc... Things that most people can buy into and not feel embarrassed about supporting. It could be said that the rules are already there, but not enforced or taught well; but there is also a case to be made for pulling everything together and restating it in a clearer way with thebenefit of 2020 vision (adding a new meaning to that term, since 2020 now shows us how institutions can fail, even with protections in place). 3 years ago
By underground, I meant literally underground, not as a metaphor for clandestine. I wouldn't know how folks could avoid detection of newly created cities like that. A supply chain would be one of the hardest parts, and that causes the next problem of security. Ingress and egress would be a problem. And if others find out it exists, you'd have the same shit as now.
The above would be the problems I'd have with moving to Mars. You'd need all cities to be underground, using only the surface for energy production and waste management, and only done by the highly qualified. 3 years ago
So you need a lot of engineers to make that happen. 3 years ago
Yes, but doing that using both definitions of "underground" would be hard. As bad as the construction would be and making it not collapse, the real problem would be the logistics of living in your hidden cities. I mentioned supply chains, ingress, egress, and security, and yes, there is more to it. Sanitation would be a major concern. And preventing annexation into any existing government.
Underground cities have been done in the past, and every once in a while, someone discovers one. One thing they always do wrong is blab. 3 years ago
Plus you would be labelled as morlocks or troglodytes.