For what it’s worth, I wasn’t a huge fan of the story at first. It took me a few hours and a few quests to actually get into it. It suffers from Kingdom Hearts 2/The Witcher 3 Syndrome: The two hour long intro/tutorial is absolutely the worst part, which is a shame. The game really begins to shine once you get to Meridian, but that’s several hours in.
Comment on What are some games you find yourself frequently coming back to? 11 months agoMan I WANT to love Horizon. It seems exactly like my type of game. But everytime I play it everything feels… insincere? Idk something about it doesnt hit. Still paid for it day one when it came to PC though to support the cross platform Sony initiative. 11 months ago 11 months ago
Thanks for taking the time to reply. The tutorial sections did absolutely put me off the first time, but I saw flashes of brilliance after I got over that hump. Definitely gonna give it another go after the Helldivers rush wears off. 11 months ago
If you can, srart collecting all the recordings and play them, they add so much depth to the game and…they are haunting. 11 months ago
My problem is that i can’t seem to get a hang of the combat, at all. Taking down even some medium sized dinobots feels like a slog, 20 minutes of me breaking line of sight, taking a pot shot at its weak point, and somehow missing, rinse and repeat. I feel the game either didn’t do a good job teaching me how to deal with them, or I’m just playing it wrong and don’t know better.
I’ve started the game three times and each time I get about 6 hours in before I get bored.