Comment on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs bill that bans children under 14 from having social media accounts 11 months agoThanks for showing everyone why it’s a waste of time “debating” with you.
“They voted for Biden.”
You know, despite the fact that they were marching at Unite the Right.
You don’t believe that; you just want to win an unwinnable argument. It’s kind of sad that you’re willing to abandon obvious facts rather than admit that these Nazis are Trump supporters. 11 months ago…
You are dishonest as they come. 11 months ago
Look at you, swallowing Nazi propaganda as truth.
Big shocker there.
Tell me again: which candidate hosted white supremicist and Christian Nationalist Nick Fuentes at their home?
You know you’re lying. It isn’t fooling anyone. 11 months ago
No idea. Those seem to be groups you associate with as you know all about them. Were you in attendance at the meeting? 11 months ago
Wow, that’s pretty clever.
Here’s a big-boy gold star for your attempt at wit: ⭐