Comment on World of Warcraft Subscription Numbers Are Higher Now Than at Expansion Launch in a Franchise First 10 months agoI picked it up for a little bit during Dragonflight. Mechanically, playing your character is the best its been in years as they got rid of a lot of the restrictive and boring spec building. Everything else is an passable meh.
The community is 1 dungeon or raid wipe from more being toxic than a League match making all endgame content not fun. Feels like they started going in the right direction, but I had this hope crushed too many times. 10 months ago
Yeah, I didn’t comment on the quality of the expansion itself because I’m actually the lowest on the game I’ve been in years. I’m in full tourist mode and have been since Legion. I’ll come in for a month or two for expansion launch (three for Legion, I really liked that one), and then again in the last patch for one more month, and that’s it. Now that I’ve been playing different games over the past few years, WoW is really starting to show its age and I’m less willing to let its flaws slide, such as the extremely toxic community you mentioned. There’s global community called WoW Made Easy that started up at Dragonflight launch with a mission statement of being patient in pick-up groups. Considering how massive it got, clearly the playerbase is fed up with the traditional PUG experience.
What’s really soured me on the game is Blizzard’s continuing divestment in customer service. Toxicity itself is a customer service problem and it takes actualy eyeballs to fix it. And they aren’t hiring. Just as bad is their newest approach to overcrowding, especially on Classic. Last I checked, their solution to crowded servers is “nothing we can do about it, it’ll sort itself out when enough of you give up. no refunds btw.”
I’m going to need some convincing to pickup The War Within. 10 months ago
Being a social game you can't solo, the community actually makes it impossible for me to progress. I don't know if I even want to go back if they get everything else perfect. It just feels lonely and unwelcoming.