No, it’s hate in a bottle
Comment on Cerveza Cristal 10 months ago
Isn’t Malört a bitters, and meant to be drunk as part of a cocktail? 10 months ago
Comment on Cerveza Cristal 10 months ago
Isn’t Malört a bitters, and meant to be drunk as part of a cocktail?
No, it’s hate in a bottle 10 months ago
Yes but also no.
It is an extremely bitter liqueur.
It is not intended for cocktails. It is traditionally consumed in shots, like the beverage it is based on (Swedish wormwood schnapps).
There are some cocktails that use malort as an ingredient, but not many. You’re probably thinking of cocktail bitters (like Angostura, consumed by dashing into a cocktail), or amaro (a sweet and bitter class of Italian liqueurs, like fernet, amaro Montenegro, or campari).
Yes, I know the Italians consider red bitter liqueurs to not be amari. No, I don’t care.