Comment on degree in bamf 11 months agoLmao guck off you debate pervert
You don’t get to say a bunch of dumb shit then pose one thought terminating question to try to pigeonhole somebody into saying you’re technically not wrong on this one thing (even though you are) and refusing to engage with the dozens of people whonare explaining to you why you’re wrong about pretty much everything. 11 months ago
I have no issue being wrong, and I haven’t refused to engage with anyone on anything, and no one has explained anything that I haven’t addressed so thats a lie. Unlike a teenage edgelord, I’m willing to accept that I don’t know everything and I’m open to learning something. But when people start rattling off that certain groups of people are superior or inferior to justify the scapegoating of their problems because they came to that conclusion after watching other people do it, it merits further clarification. 11 months ago
Then just be wrong and shut the fuck up and stop insisting you aren’t wrong when 20 other people are showing you way more patience than you deserve in explaining the myriad of reas9ns you’re wrong. 11 months ago
You sound inexperienced. Nothing you will say will even slightly move the needle on my intent or ability to discuss things. You can cry, wail, scream, insult, have a tantrum until you are blue in the face. It makes no difference to me. If you are willing to actually discuss something, then go for it. If you are just going to project your insecurities and view everything as a fight before it’s become one, then you are the barrier to opinions changing based on new information, and nothing else. 11 months ago
Experience isn’t an excuse for you to be willfully ignorant. That just makes you old and ignorant.