Then why don’t you go out and do it?
Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago
Maybe they should try dating a conservative. It’ll come with its own downsides but if it’s a manly man you’re after I’d say that statistically you’re probably more likely to find one at that side of the isle. I’m sure this is not at all controversial thing to say.
While I’m at it I do agree with the underlaying issue here; a great number of modern men can’t do much of the things a stereotypical man could do say 40 years ago. Being able to stand up for yourself and to build and fix things for example is something women do care about wether they admit it or not. It’s one of those things that’s not exactly fair but true nevertheless. It’s biological and they can’t help it. 11 months ago 11 months ago
Your experience is not representative of the world. 11 months ago
Yes it is.
This is how convincing statements like that are when you just make a claim and then don’t back it up with anything. 11 months ago
There is no way that could be true at all. You would need to meet everyone on planet Earth. 11 months ago
When I speak of women as a group I don’t mean literally every single one. That’s not how averages work.
Throught history the role of a man has been a provider and a protector. Choosing a high status mate is in the best interest of the woman and ultimately her child. This same behavior holds true thru the entire animal kindom. Things like height, strenght and status are for men what a tail is for a peacock. It’s in our biology. And again… We’re speaking of averages. 11 months ago
You started by saying that you didn’t believe what women say, so I really don’t think I could say anything to convince you. 11 months ago
Yet you chose to reply nevertheless