- Comment on How come people who are against abortion are in favor of the death penalty? Kind of seems like a contradicition/ 5 months ago:
Surely you can get rid of that ‘parasite’ in the first few months instead of waiting for the last minute? I don’t see how drawing the line at, say 12 weeks now somehow takes away a person’s bodily autonomy.
Speaking of a red herring, a comparison to a forced kidney donation is completely irrelevant here.
- Comment on How do you join a different instance? 6 months ago:
You go to,, or what ever instance you wish to join and create an account there. Just like you went to and joined that one.
- Comment on How do people in this day in age become nazis/neonazies sexist or even incels when there is so much knowledge against it? Do they get anything out of being that way? 6 months ago:
Possibly yes but that doesn’t help if one is morbidly afraid of approaching women for example.
However my point was that it’s a bit pointless to ask why would someone become something when by definition it’s involuntary. It’s like asking why would anyone be under 6ft tall.
- Comment on How do people in this day in age become nazis/neonazies sexist or even incels when there is so much knowledge against it? Do they get anything out of being that way? 6 months ago:
Incel = involuntary celibate
You become one by not being able to find a life partner or even a one night stand. Not something I’d really blame the individual for.
- Comment on How the fuck do you meet new people? 6 months ago:
I started my own business which involves going into people’s homes and fixing shit. I’m meeting a ton of new people nowdays, granted most of them are either elderly or single older women / moms.
- Comment on Is investing in real estate immoral if you use it to buy your first home? 7 months ago:
I don’t know where you live but the property tax on my house is 200€ a year which is less than half of what I spend on groceries every month. If I end up disabled and without a job, the property tax, from a financial perspective would be among the least of my worries.
- Comment on Is investing in real estate immoral if you use it to buy your first home? 7 months ago:
Having rented before and now owning my own house I can gurantee you that there’s a major difference in the freedom between those two.
You think homeowners should not be required to pay property tax and build whatever they want on their property disregarding all safety regulations and building codes? I can definitely see how that would go horribly wrong…
- Comment on Is investing in real estate immoral if you use it to buy your first home? 7 months ago:
But what does it matter if the value of your stocks drop in a market crash? Assumeably you’re in it for the long run so you can always just wait for them to go back up before selling. Even if a property might hold it’s value better during a crash, which is not guranteed either, that would still be irrelevant unless you intend to sell the house, which again would be difficult during a market crash. If you want something that holds it’s value that you can liquidate at any time then perhaps you should buy gold instead.
If you’re invested into something such as S&P 500 and something happens which causes a significant number of those companies to go out of business at once, then we’re talking about an extremely rare world wide event that’ll effect your investments no matter what they’re tied into. Keep in mind that the ~7% yearly average growth of the stock market includes events such as both world wars.
- Comment on Is investing in real estate immoral if you use it to buy your first home? 7 months ago:
So the government is your landlord then?
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Depends on wether it’s a loving or an abusive cat owner. Cats are carnivores and need a diet consisting of mostly meat to stay healthy. If buying meat products is against one’s values then don’t get a predator as a pet.
- Comment on Is investing in real estate immoral if you use it to buy your first home? 7 months ago:
And just investing in stocks means I won’t have a diversified portfolio that could resist a financial crash as much as real estate can.
That’s nonsense. A house would be equally difficult to liquidate in a financial crash than stocks would. Probably even more so. If you have a diversified portfolio and enough savings so that you don’t need to touch your investments then you’ll handle crashes like that just fine. The stock market has always bounced back up. Always.
I’m someone who believes landlording is immoral
Wouldn’t that then mean that there would be no rental apartments available and everyone would be forced to take a loan and buy a home? To me this kind of thinking is just the opposite far end of the spectrum where as what is optimal is likely somewhere in the middle as is the case with most things.
- Comment on Twitter 7 months ago:
Good demonstration of how the alternatives are no better
- Comment on What the fuck happened to YouTube!? 7 months ago:
I’ve been experiencing a ton of buffering issues lately trying to use YouTube with uBlock Origin. I’m pretty much on the brink of subscribing myself too. It’s by far the most valuable online platform for me and I’ve used it for free well over a decade. It was a good run and I’m not even mad.
- Comment on Harris campaign tweaks Walz biography amid scrutiny of military credentials 7 months ago:
I joined this community hoping for some variety to the lefts constant pissing on the right but what I got in return in the exact same thing directed at the opposite side. Where’s the reasonable moderates at that focus on ideas and events, not people?
- Comment on WhistlinDiesel Cybertruck Durability Test # 1 (21:54) 7 months ago:
Not the person you’re asking but he’s the only content creator on YouTube that I’ve ever blocked from my recommendations despite following a ton of channels like his such as Cleetus McFarland, HeavyDSparks, Grind Hard Plumbing etc.
I simply don’t like the vibes I get from him as a person. I can’t point out to any specific thing, it’s just my intuition. He doesn’t seem like a genuine person but instead is just putting up a show for views. Probably reminds me of someone else I don’t like - or myself.
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 7 months ago:
Dad buying their underage daughter a dildo sounds like a good way to get canceled.
I don’t think it’s a bad idea per-se but I can imagine a ton of ways how that could backfire.
- Comment on Why is it so easy to avoid nettles as an adult? 7 months ago:
I’ve wondered the same thing about wasps. Just don’t grab them into your fist and they’ll leave you alone.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
It’s pretty much common knowledge but I don’t remember anyone ever bringing it up unless it’s relevant to the topic at hand.
- Comment on My dad fought the Nazi's they lost. The world knows it. What is the deal with their recent resurgence? 7 months ago:
It’s because the word has entirely different meaning now than it did back then. The vast majority of people would struggle two name even one literal nazi that’s still alive today. Instead we incorrectly use that term to describe people we don’t like such as Trump and Elon.
- Comment on Help me understand littering 7 months ago:
It’s obviously a negative feeling in my view. It can be used as motivation for changing things to the better but I can’t see it as anything else as negative. It’s not a pleasant feeling.
Ofcourse I’m not immune to it myself either but being such a strong emotion it’s nearly impossible to not notice and thus it acts as a kind of mindfulness alarm. When I catch myself getting angry at something I immediately realize how that is in conflict with how I see the world and then the anger basically dissapears. It’s kind of like waking up at the morning and being irritated that it’s raining outside but then at the same moment realizing that I can’t change the weather and I’ll rather just be wet than wet and angry. It’s the so called second arrow.
Unlike weather I can affect other people however, and I do. No disagreement there. I simply just don’t see the need to feel anger while doing so. It’s done and can’t be undone. They couldn’t have done otherwise so no need to get angry and pretend as if they could have. My intention is to encourage them to not act that way in the future.
- Comment on Help me understand littering 7 months ago:
Yeah I confronted a friend for throwing one onto my lawn and they didn’t seem to get why it was such a big deal for me. He clearly thinks nothing of it. In the army we were always told to bury them. It’s not a perfect solution either but so much better than just tossing it.
- Comment on Help me understand littering 7 months ago:
I don’t believe in free will or the self. There’s effectively no-one for me to be judgemental of. Wether it be littering, racism or violence, these people didn’t choose to act this way, they just do and couldn’t have done otherwise. If I was them, I’d be doing the exact same thing.
I’m just as non-accepting of their behaviour as everybody else. In my case there’s just little to none negative emotions involved in it. Me getting angry about someone littering, to me, is the same as getting angry at the weather.
And yes, I agree. If I were a smoker I wouldn’t want to throw cigarette butts in the ground either for the same reason you just mentioned. My point was that I have theory of mind for such people. I can imagine how someone could naively imagine there’s no harm to it. This just no longer holds true when we’re talking about trash that’s bigger; I can’t imagine what they could be thinking.
- Comment on Help me understand littering 7 months ago:
you can understand violence and racism, but not littering?
Yeah. I can imagine what a racist would say if I confronted them about it. They always have a reason for thinking that way and to them that reason seems valid. I can’t imagine what such justification a litterbug would have other than “I just don’t give a shit” so in other words; they know they’re in the wrong and simply don’t care.
- Comment on Help me understand littering 7 months ago:
no trash recepticals being available
This is somewhat understandable if it’s something dirty like a meat packaging dripping with marinade that you don’t want to put in your bag but it almost never is. It’s a bottle, candy wrappings, juice container, chip bag etc. It was assumeably filled with something when they brought it in but they somehow can’t take it back now that it’s empty and thus lighter and packs into smaller space. This doesn’t make any sense to me.
- Submitted 7 months ago to [deleted] | 62 comments
- Comment on Twitter disappears from Mac App Store | TechCrunch 7 months ago:
But how do we hate-follow Elon then? We need our daily dose of outrage after all.
- Comment on If AI Takes All Of Our Jobs... Who's Going To Buy Everything? | How Money Works (12:58) 7 months ago:
You don’t get rich by producing and selling 2000 iPhones
- Comment on If AI Takes All Of Our Jobs... Who's Going To Buy Everything? | How Money Works (12:58) 7 months ago:
There wouldn’t be enough rich people to buy all the excess that gets produced. Even if you’re a trillionaire there’s only so many phones/cars/shoes/watches etc. that you want to buy.
- Comment on The Disaster Facing Mr. Beast 7 months ago:
I’ve always found it amusing that I’ve been using YouTube for hours and hours every day for well over a decade yet I haven’t finished a single video from the most popular creator on the platform.
- Comment on I am not promoting death or killing but are the countries where they are freely allowed to kill nazi's? Kind of like in some parts of Africa are allowed to kill poachers? 7 months ago:
The person in question is Rodrigo Duterte
I’m not sure but even there the law didn’t allow for civilians to kill drug dealers/users. I believe it was only police who were allowed to do that.