Comment on Fairfax Schools To Let Students Opt Out Of Holocaust Lesson, Citing Students With ‘Different Experiences’ ⁨11⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

The opt-out of the Holocaust lesson in FCPS, whose school board is entirely Democrat, is a reversal from the Left’s position on opt-outs on topics like transgenderism and anti-racism, which typically holds that hard truths are often uncomfortable, that it is the role of a school to instill certain values, and that on some issues, there are not two sides, but only good and evil.

“When a parent chooses to censor a lesson over its content, their child loses the opportunity to engage with a different perspective. This robs the child of the benefits to critical thinking, social development, and civic engagement that come from grappling with diverse perspectives. In engaging with difference, we promote the type of informed thinking that forms the bedrock of democracy. In avoiding difference, we stifle it,” an education researcher wrote in Time Magazine, layout out the dominant view of Democrat politicos, who have sought to prevent parents from opting their students out as schools have increasingly pushed Democrat politics under the guise of diversity and inclusion, social emotional learning, sed ed, and other topics.

Idk wtf “sed ed”, but this is rich.

What they fail to mention is that the Daily Wire is advocating for the reversal of the Right’s position on opt-outs on topics like transgenderism and anti-racism, which typically holds that these aren’t truths, the school does not and should not have a role in instilling democratic pluralistic values, and that on some issues, kids would be better off ignorant.

And now, when it comes to the Holocaust, they want to mandate it? Lol, no. You made your flea-infested bed on the pillar of parental rights. Now sleep in it.
