- Comment on checkmate, big geology!! 9 months ago:
We still talking volcanos or have we moved on to regulating Taco Bell and porn?
- Comment on pluto 9 months ago:
Well said. This is my take on it too. It’s really the only reasonable approach.
- Comment on pluto 9 months ago:
That doesn’t seem to be entirely accurate.
- Comment on pluto 9 months ago:
The deal is the weird part where they made a specific point of and big deal out of the new classification not being a type of planet despite having the word planet in the name.
- Comment on Why do we castrate animals instead of giving them vasectomies? 10 months ago:
I think you meant lop, not lob. At least I hope vets aren’t yeeting pet testicles.
- Comment on Fairfax Schools To Let Students Opt Out Of Holocaust Lesson, Citing Students With ‘Different Experiences’ 11 months ago:
It’s not off topic to call out the dishonesty you introduce. You know it’s factual that it was conservatives that did the things you were pretending to condemn. You know that the parties essentially changed roles. You want direct the conversation away from that and try to terminate it because you don’t have a defense against clear direct truth. You try that frequently as well.
- Comment on Fairfax Schools To Let Students Opt Out Of Holocaust Lesson, Citing Students With ‘Different Experiences’ 11 months ago:
Weird then how all the major racist figures gravitate to the right.
But like I said remarkably consistently dishonest. The southern strategy never happened right?
- Comment on Fairfax Schools To Let Students Opt Out Of Holocaust Lesson, Citing Students With ‘Different Experiences’ 11 months ago:
You are a remarkably consistently dishonest person. You are trying the old trick of carefully selecting to say Democrat in historical reference but avoiding mentioning that in that historical context the Democrats used to be conservatives. The ideology that you are using as the spring board to denounce modern progressive Democrats is conservativism, the ideology that Republicans currently embody.
- Comment on Beyond Biology: Scientists Uncover a Universal “Missing Law of Evolution” 1 year ago:
Being funded by the John Templeton Foundation certainly doesn’t do anything for the credibility of the paper.
- Comment on [CW: Slurs] Any attempt to connect with my dad immediately turns into "Woke liberals are ruining the world." 1 year ago:
To be fair he might not like some people because they are black, trans, or little people regardless of if they are conservative or not.
- Comment on In The Empire Strikes Back, why does Han significantly outrank Luke? 1 year ago:
Nah you were genuinely wounded that I didn’t revere the yuuzhan vong.
- Comment on In The Empire Strikes Back, why does Han significantly outrank Luke? 1 year ago:
Nah the mini rant tips your hand. You were not being tongue in cheek, you were being sincere.
- Comment on In The Empire Strikes Back, why does Han significantly outrank Luke? 1 year ago:
Kind of a shitty tone to take over a crappy plot line.
- Comment on In The Empire Strikes Back, why does Han significantly outrank Luke? 1 year ago:
The yuuzhan vong will never be canon for me.