If you give everybody money, demand will not increase across the board. Demand of necessary products will go up while demand for luxury goods will go down, as those in more need will be doing a higher proportion of the spending than before. This will allocate more resources to necessary services instead of luxury goods. This won’t increase pricing indiscriminately across the board–it probably won’t even increase prices at all if the financing comes from taxes or some other “real” source.
Comment on [deleted]
spankinspinach@sh.itjust.works 10 months ago
ninpnin@sopuli.xyz 10 months ago
DontTreadOnBigfoot@lemmy.world 10 months ago
The US already has that, in the form of various welfare programs (section 8 housing, SNAP food assistance, Medicaid, etc), although the earnings cap on those tend to be well below 60k.