Comment on Public trust 11 months agoExcept the public official didn’t gaslight anyway. Fauci made the right call asking people to prioritize social distancing over masks in the initial phases of the pandemic so that medical personnel would have enough.
He didn’t say “you don’t need masks” He didn’t say “masks don’t work” He didn’t say “don’t wear masks at all”
Furthermore, the WHO also advised against wearing masks initially, for the same reasons. They were actually more against the efficacy of masks, but backtracked that opinion after more data came out.
Like what is this take? Really? The only people who have a hate boner for Fauci coincidentally don’t know a fucking thing he said, and are going to believe what makes their fee fees hurt less anyway.
He was handed a deadly pandemic while dealing with the most corrupt and incompetent leadership our country has ever seen. He did alright. If only Obama was still in office at the time. 11 months ago
Right, because dishonest actors exist, his job as a public health policy communicator was directly subverted by himself for making such an increadibly unwise blunder of giving them ammunition.
His job is to not give public health measures a bad image, and he failed completely. 11 months ago
I mean, I’ll reiterate this- he made the right call. At the very first stage of the pandemic, shortage of medical supplies was a big deal. Gloves, respirators, masks, everything.
Medical providers need to have those things to do their jobs. Otherwise, they get sick. And when the doctors are sick, you start to have real problems.
Faci’s only downfall was existing in a world filled to the brim with dipshits, in a country being led by a dipshit that encouraged the worst of the dipshits.
He told people, “the doctors need the masks”, which was 100% true- then the fucking president refused to wear one. Blaming Fauci for the army of dipshits following trump is disingenuous, he was the only person in that administration that ever spoke any kind of factual information. 11 months ago
You can declare he made the right call all you want, but it well never evaporate the fact that it caused many, many idiots to not wear masks. 11 months ago
Those idiots would have never worn masks in the first place regardless what Fauci said.