Comment on Social acceptability 11 months ago
Hypothesis: Foot fetishes are a primary driving force behind the spread of genital warts.
Evidence: Oh hell no, I ain’t putting that shit in my browsing history. Y’all got it from here. 11 months ago
Human papillomavirus HPV is responsible for warts on feet.
So genital warts, mostly HSV (Herpes). Not nice but not particularly harmful most of the time. Cold sores and genital warts. Mouth, genitals. Won’t look nice but you won’t die.
HPV - cancer.
Further investigation on the evidence may be required but social acceptability chart above may be justified.
If you have a foot fetish get vaccinated against HPV everyone. 11 months ago
The HPV strains that cause warts are not the same ones that cause cancer, AFAIK
There are like dozens of different strains