Comment on Temperature 11 months agostart questioning them to get them to apply that knowledge
That’s literally what people do to get a PhD, they defend their thesis by answering a bunch of questions from professors about it. That’s the point of a PhD.
It has nothing to do with “street smarts” unless the degree is from the “School of Hard Knocks”. 11 months ago
Sorry maybe not phds specifically, but masters and bachelors maybe? Lots of certificates and qualifications require just written tests, no practical testing. 11 months ago
Ok, but you specifically said “PhD”. Your comment sounds like you just don’t know what a doctorate is. 11 months ago
And I made a mistake, it happens. Very few qualifications require practical testing, if you want to circle a discussion on the one I made a mistake on in choosing that’s on you. 11 months ago
Ok, but you said “lots of people get PhDs” without being able to defend their ideas. It’s literally the opposite.
No one gets a PhD without being able to defend their ideas from very hard questions. You are 100% incorrect. Your dissertation defense did not go well and we cannot award you the degree of “Doctorate of Commenting”.