Alexa is an actively listening system because it has to listen proactively in order to respond to commands. So, yes it does record people talking about things that have nothing to do with it, and then it sends this random data that has nothing to do with its function to Amazon servers where it's stored indefinitely.
This actually is nothing new
Your title made me think the Alexa might have been recording people randomly for no reason 3 years ago
realcaseyrollins 3 years ago
I wasn't wrong. It said "included extended conversations that were outside the scope of a reasonable Alexa query". "Reasonable Alexa query" is not defined. It can be reasonably presumed that these recordings occurred after the device thought it heard someone say "Alexa", but the person in question spoke to someone else, so the device kept listening. This is nothing new! I don't understand the outrage over something that's been an issue since day one. 3 years ago
Did you read the article?
realcaseyrollins 3 years ago
Just read it