- 'West Is Prolonging Ukraine's Agony', says Maj Gen GD Bakshi On Deteriorating Situation In Ukrainewww.youtube.com ↗Submitted 2 years ago to worldnews@lemmy.ml | 0 comments
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- Chloe Kim Says She Gets 'Hundreds' of Racist Messages Monthly, Opens Up About Anti-Asian Attackspeople.com ↗Submitted 3 years ago to usa@lemmy.ml | 0 comments
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- Chinese scientists develop a new, highly accurate COVID test that gives results in 4 minuteswww.cbsnews.com ↗Submitted 3 years ago to coronavirus@lemmy.ml | 0 comments
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- US household air conditioning use could exceed electric capacity in next decade due to climate changewww.sciencedaily.com ↗Submitted 3 years ago to usa@lemmy.ml | 2 comments
- How a decades-old database became a hugely profitable dossier on the health of 270 million Americanswww.statnews.com ↗Submitted 3 years ago to privacy@lemmy.ml | 0 comments
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- Comment on Mark Zuckerberg's 'metaverse' business lost more than $10 billion last year, and the losses keep growing 3 years ago:
Yeah exactly, it's basically no different from what people already do with stuff like MMOs, but missing the fun of actually playing a game.
- Submitted 3 years ago to coronavirus@lemmy.ml | 0 comments
- Comment on Mark Zuckerberg's 'metaverse' business lost more than $10 billion last year, and the losses keep growing 3 years ago:
Again, I'm not clear on what a virtual world could offer you that stuff like Second Life didn't already offer. My argument is that hardware simply introduces an additional barrier to the idea that hasn't caught on to begin with.
VR doesn't allow you to leave behind your imperfect real world any more than a good show, game, or a book. Having actually used VR, I can firmly say that the level of immersion simply isn't there. For VR to feel truly immersive you'd likely need to have some kind of a brain/computer interface and we're many decades away from that. I'm sure headsets will keep getting better and smaller, but real immersion requires simulating other senses as well. Basic stuff like moving around in VR without getting nauseous is an unsolved problem right now.
Meeting people with a VR headset on isn't really that different from meeting people by looking at the screen. In fact, this kind of stuff seems far more promising to me.
The fact that people are pouring billions into this idea, doesn't mean that it's magically going to overcome all the challenges and all the competition. My main argument here is that VR has to compete with other forms of entertainment, and many existing options provide high quality entertainment with a lower entry barrier. This is the fatal flaw that I see in the foreseeable future.
- Submitted 3 years ago to coronavirus@lemmy.ml | 1 comment
- A new drive system for flapping wing autonomous robots has been developed, using a new method of electromechanical zipping that does away with the need for conventional motors and gears.www.bristol.ac.uk ↗Submitted 3 years ago to technology@lemmy.ml | 1 comment
- Comment on Mark Zuckerberg's 'metaverse' business lost more than $10 billion last year, and the losses keep growing 3 years ago:
Investment investment they're expecting to gain some value like market share from it. I expect that the whole thing is just going to flop. It's basically Second Life, but you have to purchase special hardware to use it.
Dumping money into an idea until you get a monopoly you can exploit works in some cases. However, metaverse has to compete for attention with all the other stuff like shows, games, news, tiktoks, and all the other ways people entertain themselves. And pulling out your phone is a much lower barrier than putting on a vr headset. I think that's the fatal flaw of the whole idea, it's just too much effort for most people to bother. On top of that, the tech simply isn't there yet. The headsets are comfortable to use for like an hour tops, and lots of people end up getting nauseous or getting a headache from using them further limiting the appeal. I expect this idea will end up having a dedicated niche following, but it's just not going to reach mainstream.
- Comment on A great book outlining many fallacies of tech optimism 3 years ago:
It's from Computer Power and Human Reason: From Judgement to Calculation, but the other two look fun too. And yeah it's a really nice site.
- Comment on Mark Zuckerberg's 'metaverse' business lost more than $10 billion last year, and the losses keep growing 3 years ago:
- Comment on Mark Zuckerberg's 'metaverse' business lost more than $10 billion last year, and the losses keep growing 3 years ago:
Hope to see more of the same tomorrow :)
- Submitted 3 years ago to technology@lemmy.ml | 6 comments