Yep the youth market is not there, and advertisers are beginning to realise there is more market in the TikTok influencers etc... FB MarketPlace is a reason why many still login to sell / buy stuff so alternatives are needed for that, where a sufficient volume of people can be.
In a further blow users are increasingly opting to delete Facebook
Submitted 3 years ago by to
Comments 3 years ago 3 years ago
I deleted my facebook long ago 3 years ago
I ditched it long before met 3 years ago
I was blocked from posting relevant content to a dead group that was struggling to achieve member interaction. They made me do about 10 captchas to prove I'm not a robot. They blocked my account. It was a huge favor. I don't miss the site.
On the flip side of that scenario, anyone who was actually interested in what I was posting in that group now has nothing to read. On any given site, I would estimate that more than 90% of the users visiting and reading the content are not interacting. Only a small percent of the users are doing anything to inspire the general population to visit the site. To me it's idiotic to punish people who are contributing positive and constructive content. By doing so, you are giving hundreds of people one less reason to visit the site.
Users abandoning the platform is the only logical outcome when your algorithms punish/ban/discourage positive & useful interaction. 3 years ago
Not easy, FB retains the user over 2 weaks until it aprove the elimination of the account, much easier to post porn or Trump vids to force a ban. 3 years ago
Yes this is a good sign 3 years ago
yeah because it sucks