Comment on Does this instance have a stance on right wing disinformation communities?

<- View Parent ⁨11⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

The one problem is, specifically with this type of conversation, anyone even in the center is not welcome in the conversation because the echo chamber is so strong that anything even in the center is instantly labeled “misinformation”. Who decides what the difference between “opinion I disagree with” and “misinformation” is? Far too often it’s left to a person or group, be it on the left or the right, that holds that anything they or the most vocal political users disagree with is “dangerous misinformation”. And I tend to notice that unless it’s a specific right-wing instance like explodingheads, anything that’s not on the far left is either down voted to oblivion or outright removed and anyone who posts or says anything positive about it is effectively driven out, including people who argue such things in good faith. That tends to lead to the creation of such instances as explodingheads and attitudes like the people who reside there.
