Comment on Chris Martenson on VivaBarnes predicted fertilizer shortage 2 weeks ago. WSJ confirmed it today

<- View Parent ⁨2⁩ ⁨years⁩ ago

First of all, I am not a Climate activist. I think temperature trend is fine, and the hysteria is over the top.

Regarding Cement and steel.... right now we just throw construction waste in landfills. Its cheaper to buy new material than hire people to sort and recycle. Steel scrap does get recycled, but steel and cement in construction waste goes en masse to landfill. Same with lumber

If we charged the environmental cost of landfills to people demolishing stuff, it would be more economical to upgrade old buildings or recycle construction materials.

If we turned off construction steel and cement factories TODAY, we still have a giant surplus of abandoned buildings that could be recycled. Steel and cement can be recycled endlessly.

We waste a lot because we are very efficient at digging stuff from the ground and making it new.

Ammonia is similar. Considering obesity ~40% and food waste ~40%, we would actually need ~50% less Ammonia if we didn't overeat and waste food.

Then there is the whole argument of eat meat or not. If you compromise and have non-ammonia meat, i.e. no animal feed only grazing, then meat would be much more expensive, but no more Ammonia powered GMO feed would be needed.

Also, turning off gas cars is dumb. Its more effective to use old vehicles instead of new electric shit.

Without switching to more renewables, we can already decarbonize a huge amount. I personally think its counterproductive. But if you seriously wanted to do it, that would be the roadmap.
